Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A new year of Howell TSA

Well, first off, I want to thank everyone again for re-electing me as Howell High School TSA Chapter Reporter. As I have been re-elected, this page will continue to run and be updated for at least one more year (since I have no way of knowing what will happen to it next year). This year, I have added a new resource that can be used to receive news and alerts concerning Howell TSA.

This new resource is Facebook. I have just created a Howell TSA Page on Facebook for those who want to receive updates through there. It will be run hand-in-hand along with the Twitter account to give you alerts as quickly as possible. So, if you don't have a Twitter account, but would still like to receive text alerts, you can now do so using the Facebook page, by clicking the "Subscribe via SMS" link. By subscribing that way, you will be receiving the same alerts that you would, had you been following HowellTSA on Twitter.

Also, don't forget that the YouTube Account will continue to be updated as well, and I still have some videos from nationals last year, I was planning on putting up there still, as well.

So, here's to another successful year of Howell High School TSA!


Howell TSA Facebook Page

Howell TSA Twitter Page

Howell TSA YouTube Channel