Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Why did I make this page black?

Well, it has recently been proven that computer monitors require more energy to produce white displays than black displays, so in an effort to save electrical power, we have decided to make the Howell TSA Chapter site black.
Even though the energy savings are small, it will add up to to a lot of savings over time. Not to mention that black pages also cause less irritation on the eyes.
Other sites on the internet have also taken notice of this, by making their pages black. One such site known as Blackle, features a Google Search with a predominantly black background. And this site has already had an estimated 248,596.864 Watt hours of energy conserved so far, (as of 10/12/2007) and counting!

To find more ways to help conserve the environment, you can check out these sites:

- Blackle Tips
- TreeHugger.com
- Black Google Would Save 750 Megawatt-hours a Year

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